Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Red House - WIP

My latest Work-in-Progress. This is a big one, 24x30, and my arm and shoulder are aching from stretching up to paint. Started this yesterday, will probably finish it tonight. I haven't done one of the big canvases for a long time. There's a whole different dynamic at work.


Debra said...

Oh, I really like this one, especially the jolt of red against the blue sky! It's neat to see one of your works in progress.

Painting the Light said...

Thanks, Debra. Yes, I really like the red against that deep blue sky, too. I drive by this place often, and I'm always fascinated by the way the sunlight falls on the house.

My daughter once lived in the house just to the left of the red one, in a tiny third-floor apartment with her best friend from high school. At that time (five years ago), the red house was sitting empty and abandoned. But now it's occupied, and looking much better than it did in those days.