Saturday, February 28, 2009

Three Houses, Winter

Three Houses, Winter
8x10, acrylics on canvas

Here's the latest. I had trouble photographing the sides of the white houses because the small amount of yellow kept coming out mustardy. Finally had to add another layer of yellowish-white, and then I was able to photograph them properly. My camera is very picky about certain colors, especially yellow. Sometimes, even if there are several layers of another color over the yellow, what the camera picks up is that yellow underpainting. It's very strange.


Debra said...

I really like this one! Cool and crisp, yet warm and sunny, if that makes sense. Nice choice of colors.

Painting the Light said...

Hi, Debra! Apparently you're not the only one who likes it. I think this is a record. I put it up maybe an hour or 90 minutes ago...and somebody has already bought it. My head is spinning. I hadn't even finished painting the edges yet! I have to thank you again for your idea about painting smaller works, because they do seem to sell more quickly.

Debra said...

Maybe you've stumbled onto the secret...list them before they're quite finished, and - thanks to Murphy's Law - they will sell immediately! :)