My hand and arm are aching and my back is totally blown out. I just finished two more house portraits, both Christmas gifts which will go in the mail today. Can't post them until after the holidays, so I thought that today I'd post one of my early paintings, GREEN LINE, HUNTINGTON AVENUE. I think this was done about a year or so after I started painting, maybe 1994 or 1995. I based it on a photo I took of the subway train at a stop near the Museum of Fine Arts on Huntington Avenue in Boston. Although the "T" signpost is crooked and the perspective is a little wonky in the brick building on the left, it still remains one of my favorite paintings. I love Boston, love the green line trains, and this is one of the first paintings I did that actually had a human figure in it. I don't put a lot of people in my paintings, but this young woman just felt right to me.
I'm currently feeling as though I've run a marathon, painting two house portraits in two days, working around the day job (thank God one of those days was a Sunday!). After three house portraits in a row, I'm itching to get back to painting for me. Because I took so much time off to try to give my poor aching hand and arm a break (which, since I have rampant fibromyalgia, didn't really accomplish much except to drive me nutso because I wasn't painting), I haven't painted anything just for me since early October. Time to get back into the groove.
I had a disappointment this week. I had bid on one of Cooper Dragonette's paintings that I absolutely LOVED. For six days, I was the only bidder. I went to bed a couple hours before the auction ended, and woke up the next morning to discover that somebody else had outbid me. Waaaaa!! I just couldn't stay up any later; I'd been up at 4 a.m., had painted for most of the day, and I simply couldn't make it to ten pm. Oh, well, I'm sure he'll paint another one that catches my eye. I think his work is absolutely amazing! !
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